Introduction: Tailwind is different from other CSS Frameworks used for styling webs and apps. I'm going to give you a real simple overview Of a framework that has gained publicity in a very short time, this tutorial for beginners will get you up to speed on what you need to know about tailwind css, Helping you understand How it's a utility first framework, How to install, configure, and optimise your Tailwind build to ensure you're not using CSS you don't need.
Note: To avoid being confused and understand this guide, you must be familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS, Tailwind is a CSS framework automatically you must have a little knowledge of what CSS (cascading style sheet) is all about and how it's used to style a structured webpage before you proceed .o avoid being confused and understand this guide, you must be familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS, Tailwind is a CSS framework automatically you must have a little knowledge of what CSS (cascading style sheet) is all about and how it's used to style a structured webpage before you proceed .
As a fresher you might be deliberating on what a utility framework work is, or why tailwind css is a utility first framework. Firstly what is your envision about utility, and framework:
Utility means the true gratification you derive or enjoy from consuming a particular product or doing a particular thing. It can also be said to mean the inner joy you possess after engaging in a certain activity. Though it has its technological, economic, mathematical, and scientific meaning, but I just gave you a lay man's definition. Utility is also a software component that includes a systems program which runs the functionalities of a computer or variable.
Framework is said to be a supporting structure or building, but in this case it is a programming skeleton or chassis with users-written codes and logics developers use to build and design a webpage or application.
A utility first framework is a Low-level utility class you can use to design your webpage without leaving your HTML file, this framework is packed with lots of utility classes named according too there designated purpose, which makes designing more uncomplicated and understandable with just a solitary line of code. I hope you now have a fragile idea of what a utility first framework is, with no further Ado, let's simply profound what Tailwind CSS is all about.
What Is Tailwind CSS?
Tailwind CSS is an open source CSS framework. The main feature of this library is that, unlike other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, it does not provide a series of predefined classes for elements such as buttons or tables. This framwork per their own website which provides several of these opinionated single purpose utility classes that you can use directly inside your markup to design a component.
Uses Of Tailwind CSS
Let's not forget that this framework is packed with lots of utility classes you can use to rapidly design a webpage. Here are some common uses of tailwind CSS:
Rapid prototyping: Tailwind CSS allows you to quickly prototype your user interface by applying utility classes directly to HTML elements. This eliminates the need to write custom CSS and speeds up the development process.
Customizable design system: With Tailwind CSS, you can easily create a customizable design system by leveraging its utility classes. You can define your own color palette, spacing, typography, and other design attributes to create a consistent visual language throughout your project.
Responsive web design: Tailwind CSS provides responsive utility classes that allow you to create adaptive layouts. You can easily specify different styles based on screen sizes and breakpoints, making your application responsive across various devices.
Component building: While Tailwind CSS is not a traditional component-based framework, it can be used to build reusable components by composing utility classes. You can create custom classes and combine them to define component styles, resulting in a modular and flexible architecture.
Efficient styling workflow: Tailwind CSS eliminates the need to constantly switch between HTML and CSS files. With utility classes directly in your markup, you can focus on building your UI without the overhead of managing CSS files and selectors.
Advantages Of Tailwind CSS
One of the key advantages of Tailwind CSS is its highly customizable nature. Unlike other CSS frameworks that come with pre-designed components and styles, Tailwind CSS provides a set of utility classes that can be combined and configured to create unique designs and layouts. By using utility classes, you have granular control over the styling of individual elements, allowing you to build interfaces that precisely match your design requirements. This level of customization gives developers more flexibility and freedom in creating visually appealing and unique user interfaces.
Rapid development: Tailwind CSS facilitates rapid development by providing a comprehensive set of pre-built utility classes. These classes cover a wide range of CSS properties, such as margins, padding, typography, colors, and more. Rather than writing custom CSS for each element, you can simply apply these utility classes directly in your HTML markup. This approach speeds up developmlent time significantly as you don't have to constantly switch between your CSS file and HTML file. It also eliminates the need to write repetitive CSS code, making your workflow more efficient.
Responsive design: Building responsive websites is a breeze with Tailwind CSS. The framework includes responsive utility classes that allow you to easily create layouts and apply styles based on different screen sizes. You can utilize classes like sm, md, lg, and xl to control the appearance of your elements on various devices.
Tailwind CSS also provides a responsive grid system that enables you to create responsive layouts quickly. By leveraging these features, you can ensure your web application looks great on different screen sizes and devices.
Small bundle size: Tailwind CSS takes a unique approach to file size optimization. It provides a large number of utility classes, but it allows you to configure and purge unused classes during the build process. This means that only the classes you actually use in your project will be included in the final CSS file, resulting in a smaller bundle size. Reducing the file size is crucial for web performance as it helps improve loading times, especially on slower internet connections or mobile devices.
Community and ecosystem: Tailwind CSS has gained a strong and active community since its release. This means you can find a wealth of resources, tutorials, and community-created plugins and extensions to enhance your development workflow. The community actively contributes to the framework's growth, ensuring ongoing updates, bug fixes, and improvements. Having an active community behind a framework provides support and encourages collaboration, making it easier to find solutions and share best practices.
Overall, Tailwind CSS offers developers a powerful toolset to build modern, customizable, and responsive websites efficiently. Its flexibility, rapid development capabilities, and active community make it a popular choice among developers.
Getting started In Tailwind Developer Mode
Hey friend! Isn't this great, we're at the point of gratification on tailwind CSS. Firstly as a developer, fire up your text editor, be it vs-code or whichever editor you're comfortable with, set up a new project, and navigate to it using the command line. Initialize a new project using your preferred package manager (npm). If you don't have an idea of what an npm is don't worry I gat you, remember pay close attention, and you will be able to use tailwind effectively after you've mastered this guild.
NPM (Node Package Manager): npm is the default package manager for Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment. It comes bundled with Node.js installation, so you automatically get npm when you install Node.js. npm provides a vast repository of JavaScript libraries and tools known as the npm registry. It allows you to install, update, and manage packages for your Node.js projects. You can define project dependencies in a package.json file, and npm will handle downloading and managing the required packages.
How To Install TailwindCSS
To enable tailwind installation, you must have an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment and library for running web applications known as Node.js.
To check if Node.js is installed on your system, you can follow these steps:
1. Open a command prompt or terminal window.
2. Type the following command and press Enter:
node -v
This command checks for the installed version of Node.js.
If Node.js is installed, the command will display the version number. For example, it may output something like `v14.17.3
` or `v16.4.0
`, indicating the installed version.
If Node.js is not installed, you will receive an error message stating that the command is not recognized. In that case, you can visit the official Node.js website ( to download and install the appropriate version for your operating system.
By following these steps, you can determine whether Node.js is installed on your system and locate its installation directly.
Install Tailwind CSS Via NPM
NPM is a package manager for Node.js packages, or modules . The NPM program is installed on your computer when you install Node. js.
To install Tailwind CSS using npm (Node Package Manager), you need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Set up a new project
Remember, you've already Created a new project folder, navigate to that folder in your terminal.
Step 2: Initialize npm
Run the following command to initialize npm in your project folder:
npm init -y
Step 3: Install Tailwind CSS
Run the following command to install Tailwind CSS and its dependencies:
npm install tailwindcss
This command installs Tailwind CSS and its dependence in your project.
Tailwind Configuration
At the core of Tailwind CSS is its configuration file, which provides extensive customization options for tailoring the framework to suit your project's needs. The configuration file allows you to control various aspects of Tailwind, including colors, spacing, typography, breakpoints, and more. The default configuration file for Tailwind CSS is named tailwind.config.js and is usually located in the root directory of your project. It is written in JavaScript and exports an object that defines your configuration options.
You've already installed tailwind CSS , now you need to generate a default Configuration file by running the following command:
npx tailwindcss init
This command will create a `tailwind.config.js` file in your project directory.
Next Open the `tailwind.config.js` file in a text editor of your choice. The configuration file is a JavaScript module that exports an object. This object contains various properties that you can customize according to your project's needs.
For example, you can customize the colors used in your project by adding or modifying the `theme` property:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: '#FF0000',
secondary: '#00FF00',
In the above example, the `theme` object is extended to include custom colors: `primary` and `secondary`. You can add or modify any other properties in the `theme` object to suit your project's requirements. Save the changes to the `tailwind.config.js` file.
That's it! You have created a Tailwind CSS configuration file. You can now customize various aspects of Tailwind CSS, such as colors, spacing, typography, and more, by modifying the configuration file to match your project's design requirements.
Tailwind Build
1. Once you have created or modified your Tailwind CSS configuration file, you need to build your CSS file with the updated configuration. Here's how you can create a Tailwind build:
2. Open your project's command line or terminal and navigate to the root directory. Run the following command to generate a CSS file based on your Tailwind configuration:
npx tailwindcss build -o output.css
This command uses the `tailwindcss` CLI tool to build your CSS file. The `-o` option specifies the output file name, which in this case is `output.css`. You can replace `output.css` with the desired name and path for your generated CSS file. After running the command, Tailwind CSS will process your configuration and generate a minified CSS file with all the utility classes and styles based on your configuration.
The generated CSS file can be linked in your HTML file using a `<link>` tag, or you can import it in your JavaScript or CSS build process as needed.
That's it! You have created a Tailwind build using your custom configuration. The generated CSS file will contain all the utility classes and styles defined in your configuration, ready to be used in your project.
I'm happy you were able to make it this far, Tailwind CSS offers a unique and efficient way to build modern user interfaces by leveraging utility classes and a customizable configuration file. With its flexibility, extensibility, and community support, Tailwind CSS has gained popularity among developers seeking a more streamlined and productive CSS development workflow.
With what you've accumulated over this guide shows you now have a clue of what tailwind is all about. Don't forget tailwind CSS has its own website where you can learn more about it's utility classes, functionality, and names.